What is CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization)?

Optimize your e-commerce with the CRO

A shop, even a digital one, is made of people who make purchases. Getting know as best as possible desires, needs, but also action made by those people on our e-commerce, is fundamental if you don’t want to lose any customer and let them completing the purchasing process. We decided to use the CRO: the conversion rate optimization. It’s one of the most advanced techniques that studies and analyses every step made by an user. This whole analysis changes everyday due to:

  • Statistics about the website;
  • Merchant analysis;
  • Usability test;
  • A/B Testing;
  • Multivariate Testing.

Why is conversion rate optimization useful for your business?

Every e-commerce, also one with an interesting volume, can be better than before and this is what our work is focused on.

We follow different steps: from a preliminary study of the technology to the verification of the clarity of the message, to go further to concrete actions and delete critical points, so that the purchasing process will be otpimized.

It’s a technique used from few agencies and research centers in Italy, but it leads to unbelievable results. According to the last data it was possible, through the costant conversion analysis, to find out that 93% of the users are more inclined to complete an action on the site, if there aren’t shipping fees. Or that 66% of the users pay attention to the privacy policy or return policy. Those factors came out from CRO tests, that let us increase the revenue.

The success key: A/B Tests

The A/B Tests are really important to understand how visitors react to your site and which features have a positive impact on your public.

During our tests visitors on the ecommerce are divided casually. This let us to show different version of the site to different users.

We register the conversion rate for each of the version and, once we reached a relevant number of statistics, the version with a major number of conversions will be the one to use as unique public version.

Don’t you think it’s time for you to test your e-commerce? Contact us now for a free consultation Contact us now for a free consultation